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Best Home Filipino maid taking good care of an elderly woman





The history of Filipino maids in Singapore dates back to the late 20th century, coinciding with the rapid economic growth and urbanization of Singapore. As more Singaporean women joined the workforce and the demand for dual-income households increased, the need for reliable domestic help became evident. The Philippines, with its tradition of providing overseas domestic workers, became a significant source of maids for Singaporean families.

Fast forward to today, Filipino maids know exactly what to expect when they arrive in Singapore to work, while families in Singapore are accustomed to employing and interacting with Filipino maids. This helps Filipino maids integrate smoothly into their new homes and work environments 







Filipino maids are often highly experienced in childcare. They are nurturing and patient, making them excellent caregivers for young children. Their ability to speak English fluently also allows them to assist with children's homework and educational activities, providing valuable support to working parents.

In addition to childcare, Filipino maids are also skilled in elderly care. They are compassionate and attentive, ensuring that elderly family members receive the care and attention they need. Many Filipino maids have training in caregiving and are knowledgeable in assisting with medical needs, mobility, and daily activities for the elderly.

为什么 Best Home 的菲律宾女佣是业内最优秀的

Best Home 提供新加坡最好的菲律宾女佣

与菲律宾值得信赖的供应商建立 30 年合作伙伴关系

过去 30 年来,Best Home 就业机构与菲律宾的可靠供应商建立了稳固的关系。这些合作关系确保只有最合格的女佣候选人才能被 Best Home 招聘团队选中参加面试。

Face To Face Shortlisting 

Best Home 总监 Tay 先生与我们的招聘团队经常前往菲律宾亲自筛选女佣候选人。我们的筛选过程十分严格,包括面对面面试、由持证护士进行的基本体检以及对候选人的家务和护理技能的评估。只有最优秀的候选人才能入围。


Best Home Employment Agency ensures that our Myanmar maids receive thorough training in various household tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, childcare, and elderly care, before they arrive in Singapore. This pre-training minimizes the time and effort needed for employers to train them once they arrive.


Upon arrival in Singapore, Best Home continues to offer additional training to our Myanmar maids, beyond the mandatory Settling-In Programme (SIP) required by the Ministry of Manpower.


Our comprehensive training programs ensure that Best Home Myanmar maids are mentally and physically prepared to start work in their new homes.

Considering A Part Time Maid Instead? 







自 1996 年以来,Best Home 一直是行业领导者,我们深知成功的配对始于出色的招聘。我们的招聘团队前往海外招聘国家。我们亲自面试并筛选出最佳候选人,并每天将他们的信息上传到我们的数据库中。入选的女佣在抵达新加坡之前和之后都要接受认证培训计划

best home 亲自招募女佣

Best Home 安利康还提供其他与帮手相关的服务,例如:

  • 提前安置计划 (APS)。 Best Home 是新加坡为数不多的经人力部批准先引进外佣到新加坡,方便与雇主面试的仲介。

  • 家居服务计划(HSS) 提供钟点清洁工或护理人员

  • 住家或住外的经过医学培训的外国护理人员*


大学先修课程计划 (APS)

Engage top quality new maids quickly. Interview APS maids, select your maid, and she can begin work within days.


Best Home 提供经过专门培训的住家和兼职女佣,专门照顾老人或婴儿。您所爱的人的幸福和健康将由能干的人来照顾。



Transfer Helpers


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